Sep 30, 2020

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Argentinean One Sheet (1987)

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Argentinean theatrical release one-sheet poster. Tagline: "Para salvar nuestro mundo / era necesario pedir ayuda a los hombres del siglo 23... / alli empieza la aventura de todos los tiempos." (Automatic translation: "To save our world / it was necessary to ask the men of the 23rd century for help... / there begins the adventure of all time." Title translation: "MISSION: SAVE THE EARTH.")
Be sure to click the image above for a hi-resolution version!

Size: Argentinean One Sheet - 29x43 (29.25" x 43.25")
Artist/Illustrator: Unknown
Designer: Unknown
Release Year: 1987
Region: Argentina

  • Star Trek IV was released in Argentina January 29, 1987. HA describes this piece as Argentinean; IMDb lists at least four Spanish language title variants for Star Trek IV, used in Argentina (Viaje a las estrellas IV: Misión: Salvar la tierra), Mexico (Viaje a las estrellas IV - Misión: Salvar la Tierra), Peru (Misión: Salvar la Tierra), and Spain (Star Trek IV: Misión, salvar la Tierra), as well as an alternate title usage in Spain (Misión: Salvar la Tierra). 
  • This poster art uses a photo collage design featuring the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, aka the Bay Bridge, rather than the Golden Gate Bridge as depicted in other promo art for the film (as well as in the film itself).

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