Oct 6, 2020

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Italian Locandina (1987)


Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (Rotta verso la terra) Italian theatrical release poster. Tagline: "Tornarono indietro dove gli uomini del 23° secolo non erano mai stati. Si trovarono in un’epoca pazza, folle, irrazionale: il 1987." (Automatic translation: "They went back where the men of the 23rd century had never been. They found themselves in a mad, insane, irrational era: 1987." Title translation: "ROUTE TO THE EARTH.")
Be sure to click the image above for a hi-resolution version!

Size: Italian Locandina (13" x 27")
Artist/Illustrator: Gareth
Designer: Unknown
Release Year: 1987
Region: Italy

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