Oct 18, 2020

Star Trek: The Motion Picture Italian 2-Fogli (1980)

Star Trek: The Motion Picture (in Italy, simply Star Trek or Star Trek - Il film) Italian theatrical release poster. Tagline: "L'avventura dell'uomo sta incominciando." (Automatic translation: "Man's adventure is beginning.") Be sure to click the image above for a hi-resolution version!

Size: Italian 2-Fogli (39" x 55")
Artist/Illustrator: Bob Peak
Designer: Spiros Angelikas
Release Year: 1980
Region: Italy

  • Tagline Note: Human adventure, lower center. Two tags were used on this poster art in all its formats ("The human adventure is just beginning" and "There is no comparison").
  • TMP was released theatrically in Italy April 3, 1980.
  • See this post for a closer look at this artwork including text-free images, variants, and preliminary sketches.

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